Wimpernwelle BINACIL Eyelash Tint 15ml – black

Wimpernwelle BINACIL Eyelash Tint 15ml – black
Wimpernwelle Lash&Brow » BINACIL, Wimpernwelle BINACIL Eyelash Tint 15ml – black

Manufacturer:Wimpernwelle Lash&Brow » BINACIL
Price: 5.90 EUR
On stock
1Price is specified with VAT 21%.
Delivery cost is not included in the price
Price is valid completing order 10.06.2024

BINACIL® Eyelash Tint – black
an intense, deep black

One tube contains 15 g BINACIL™ eyelash and brow tint for approx. 40 applications and 1 stick for mixing and applying BINACIL™.

IMPORTANT: Use only BINACIL™ Hydrogen Peroxide Cream for mixing to maintain product properties.

TIP: The exposure time for BINACIL™ Eyelash and Brow Tint is only 2 minutes immediately after the Wimpernwelle Lash Lifting treatment!

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