Wella Professionals COLOR FRESH MASK RED (150ml)

Wella Professionals COLOR FRESH MASK RED  (150ml)
Wella Professionals, Wella Professionals COLOR FRESH MASK RED (150ml)

Wella Professionals COLOR FRESH MASK RED  (150ml)Wella Professionals COLOR FRESH MASK RED  (150ml)Wella Professionals COLOR FRESH MASK RED  (150ml)Wella Professionals COLOR FRESH MASK RED  (150ml)Wella Professionals COLOR FRESH MASK RED  (150ml)
Manufacturer:Wella Professionals
Price: 17.30 EUR
On stock
1Price is specified with VAT 21%.
Delivery cost is not included in the price
Price is valid completing order 01.07.2024
Zero damage temporary color depositing masks to maintain or transform your color at home. Beautiful true-to-tone fading. No animal-derived ingredients & free-from silicones. Conditioning formula for easy application, moisturized & smooth hair feel. Designed for weekly use with results visible in 10 minutes.

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