DEKOHAIR - effective remedy for hair loss, 60ml

DEKOHAIR  - effective remedy for hair loss, 60ml
Dekopill, DEKOHAIR - effective remedy for hair loss, 60ml

DEKOHAIR  - effective remedy for hair loss, 60mlDEKOHAIR  - effective remedy for hair loss, 60ml
Price: 62.00 EUR
On stock
1Price is specified with VAT 21%.
Delivery cost is not included in the price
Price is valid completing order 17.06.2024

DEKOHAIR™ is the newest patent-protected herbal peptide complex with bioactive natural compounds, amino-acids, vitamins, and ozonides, clinically tested and proven to improve hair health and protect and invigorate the hair follicle, the root bulb, and the hair shaft, while helping to inhibit hair loss.

DEKOHAIR™ targets the main causes of alopecia. Its most significant effect seems to be a prolonged growth phase of the hair and improved resistance to the harmful effects of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). In addition, it combats the follicle aging process to prevent hair loss, and increases feeling of blood flow within the scalp, allowing nourishment to reach impaired hair follicles.

Clinical tests showed:
• New hair growth appearance in 121% people who used the product
• Significant delay in the  appearance of aging of the hair for 46% of those who consistently used the product.
• Microscopic anchoring appeared to increase in the hair shaft for 73% of those who used the product

Directions for use:
Apply 5 to 9 droppers full of product to a dry scalp after 8 PM every evening.  Gently massage throughout the hair and into the scalp. Wash hands thoroughly.  Leave product in overnight and rinse out the next morning.

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